According to the management scheme of the proposal, COMP-HUB is equipped with an autonomous management system, which includes firstly a Scientific Manager (RS) and an Administrative Manager (RA), who will also have the task of taking care of the phases of the project. To this, a Research Administrative Manager (RAM) has been added in 2021. The governance relies on a Steering Committee [a1] (SC), composed by the leaders of the individual working groups, by the RS, the RA, the RAM and the Director of the Deptartment. The SC reports to the Board of Dept. proposing the actions necessary for the implementation of the project and taking care of the Council decisions, in order to constantly harmonize the activities of COMP-HUB with the decisions of the Dept., of which it will constitute the most advanced and structured expression of interdisciplinary research.
A Technical Committee, composed of professors and Technical-Administrative Staff, is responsible for the selection, installation and management of the scientific instrumentation acquired with the project. The committee proposes the purchase of instrumentations which are then subject to the approval of the SC and Board of the Department.
The decisions taken and the project activities are also monitored by a panel of external experts (External Advisory Board, EAB), composed of visiting professors, whose high qualification provide scientific support to the project, to constantly improve the ranking of the Dept. compared to international standards. Figure attached shows the overall organizational structure. The EAB interact with the SC, the RS and the Director of the Dept. and is expected to give an opinion on the progression of the project.
COMP-HUB aims to become a center of stimulus and opportunity for the sectors on which we can predict outputs (biomedical, pharmaceutical, engineering and ICT sector).
For the entire duration of the project, but in particular in the last two years, the possibility of participation of other Dept. to the activities of the Laboratory will be explored. For the part of technology transfer and industrial outputs, COMP-HUB will interact with the University Technopole and with the InnoHub incubator of the University. The resources obtained from these activities will be directed by the Department to strengthen the Laboratory in order to guarantee its sustainability. One of the features of COMP-HUB will also be the stimulus and support for participation in national and international competitive calls. The administrative structure responsible for this purpose and the involvement of internationally renowned external experts, as well as the incentives dedicated to the personnel involved in the preparation, development and management of the project contribute to the efforts of the project.
CORRADINI Roberto | Director of Dipartimento SCVSA |
CASNATI Alessandro | COMP-HUB Scientific Manager |
MAESTRI Elena | Coordinator of WG1: From Molecules to Life |
DALCANALE Enrico | Coordinator of WG2: From Molecules to Materials |
CARERI Maria | Coordinator of WG3: From Molecules to Devices |
PAINELLI Anna | Coordinator of WG4: From Models to Complexity |
STORTI Fabrizio | Coordinator of WG5: Environmental Sustainability |
RAMIGNI Michele | Administrative Manager |
GNAPPI Guglielmina | Research Manager |
BIANCHI Federica | |
CARERI Maria | |
CARRIERI Pasquale | |
CORRADINI Roberto | |
DALCANALE Enrico | |
MAESTRI Giovanni | |
MAFFINI Monica | |
MASINO Matteo | |
MEZZADRI Francesco | |
MONTANINI Alessandra | |
MONTANINI Barbara | |
PERRIS Roberto | |
RAMIGNI Michele | |
ROGOLINO Dominga | |
ROVERI Marco | |
SECCHI Andrea | |
TERENZIANI Francesca | |
VESCOVI Ferdinando | |
KNOLL Wolfgang | Professor at Austrian Institute of Technology - Vienna, Austria |
BONIFAZI Davide | Professor at University of Vienna - Vienna, Austria |
OGRINC Nives | Professor at Jožef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana, Slovenia |
BRODERSEN Ditlev E. | Professor at Aarhus University - Aarhus, Danimarca |