
The programme includes the creation of an interdisciplinary laboratory whose mission is 'Merging chemical and biological complexity (COMP-HUB)'. COMP-HUB is a networked laboratory, consisting of an interactive group of chemists, biologists and geologists with appropriate space and instrumentation dedicated to:

  1. advancement of the knowledge base of complex systems and their collective properties in both Chemistry and Biology, with possible spin-offs in the fields of Geosciences and Sustainability; in particular, the aim is to recruit experts in the growth phase of their careers and young researchers and to stimulate them to undertake research in ambitious innovative interdisciplinary fields, which can be identified in various working groups as described in point 4;
  2. guide and strengthen the training process of young researchers through Master's degree courses, PhD and post-doctoral positions; improve teaching activities and the attractiveness of the PhD by increasing the number of visiting professors; synergistically manage international mobility and internationalisation programmes of courses;
  3. effectively manage research resources, with the involvement of an administrative manager and a scientific steering committee, coordinated with the department and its quality management system;
  4. contribute to the development of the relevant scientific areas and the corresponding growth in knowledge.


COMP-HUB activities are developed around five major innovation challenges, each identifying a working group:

WG1 From Molecules to Life Study of the relationships between organic molecules and biological networks (genetic, metabolic, epigenomic etc.) for the understanding, manipulation and engineering of biological systems. Advanced competences in the chemical and biomolecular sciences will be combined for expansion into the most up-to-date fields of investigation of synthetic biology and systems biology, which find their references internationally in the most advanced laboratories (e.g. Synthetic Biology Center MIT). In this sector, the skills present in the Department and internationally recognised in the field of the study of molecular and biomolecular interactions (Supramolecular and Bioorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), will be able to make a further qualitative leap towards systems of greater complexity and application interest.

WG2 From Molecules to Materials Study of structure-property relationships in molecular and polymeric materials, with special reference to compounds for advanced photonics and electronics, and their interaction with inorganic substrates. The combination of synthesis and supramolecular chemistry enables the engineering of material properties at the atomic level in fully controlled bottom-up synthesis processes. The development of advanced and multifunctional materials with self-repairing and self-diagnostic capabilities, biocompatible for bio-medical applications, (advanced composites, fluorophores for microscopy, nanoparticles for theranostics, biopolymers, bio-responsive materials) naturally fits into the development project, starting from the solid and internationally recognised research activities in the field. Special attention will be paid to research into recyclable and sustainable materials.

WG3 From Molecules to Devices Realisation of devices based on surfaces and materials using biological or biomimetic molecules: study of the properties of interfaces and interaction with biological material, design of smart systems with chemical (nanomaterials, dendrimers) and biological (peptides, proteins, DNA, aptamers) components combined with advanced analytical instrumentation (MS-based, electrochemical and optical transduction sensors). This activity will benefit from WG1 for the identification of new biomarkers.

WG4 From Models to Complexity Theoretical and spectroscopic study of model systems of increasing complexity, engineered in WG1 and WG2, to construct explanatory frameworks of the transition from simple to aggregated and interacting systems at different scales. The delicate transition from typically quantum microscopic structures to macroscopic (thermodynamic) structures will be tackled using the analysis techniques of open quantum systems, a highly topical field of research that is part of the objectives of the European Flagship Quantum Technology programme.

WG5 Environmental Sustainability The study of the living component of the natural world at different levels of organisation, from the cell to ecosystems, cannot disregard the interpenetration and mutual causal relationships of its different levels (biomolecules, cells, organisms, populations) and its being in a largely non-living environment. The effects of natural or synthetic chemical species will be studied in an integrated way on cells, organisms, populations, the food chain and the environment, both from the point of view of their interaction with biological systems (e.g. environmental epigenomics) and from the point of view of possible environmental sustainability actions (e.g. bioremediation strategies). Interactions will be developed with specific fields of geosciences (environmental mineralogy, palaeobiology, geomicrobiology) aimed at exploring extreme environments for life, understanding the role of microorganisms in mineral crystallisation and biogeochemical processes, and documenting in geological archives the evolution of living systems and environments at various temporal and spatial scales. This WG will also address the environmental sustainability of the research activities and products of all WGs.


The studies described in point 4 represent the core activity of COMP-HUB, which is the point of conception, organisation and development of the research described, with the aim of keeping research at the frontier level in the international arena. The expected spin-offs at application level are numerous and diversified in the main sectors considered as Key Enabling Technologies.

The main ones are:

  1. Construction of diagnostic devices and tools for theranostics (diagnostics and therapy) from new biomarkers also obtained through (epi)genome expression profiling including non-coding RNA.
  2. New molecular and polymeric functional materials for applications in photonics, electronics and advanced composites; biomimetic and biocompatible materials.
  3. New chemical and biotechnological tools for the regulation of biological processes for therapeutic and production purposes (e.g. protein engineering for the generation of new vaccines and drugs, potential new drugs capable of interacting with biological networks).

The framework unifying all these applications is the design and construction of complex systems whose emerging properties are the result of the research activity proposed in WGs 1-5. They can only be realised by combining the competencies of the project.

Particular attention will be paid to the environmental sustainability of all applications realised and pervasively of all project activities. The technology transfer (TT) of the research results will be taken care of with particular attention to allow maximum use of the results achieved by the production world. TT will operate on two levels: identification of results of application interest and possible patent protection; promotion at potentially interested companies through technology road-shows by the researchers involved.